The Porn Struggle

I don’t know about you but growing up there were certain things that you just didn’t talk about. One of them being Pornography. Especially since that was a “boy’s issue”. I had the privilege of struggling through my own understanding of how my sexuality and my faith could fit together.

So, all throughout my teens and twenties I struggled with the power that pornography held over me. I had an unhealthy view of how my sexuality fit with my faith. I didn’t full comprehend that God created us as sexual beings – which means that all my sexual desires of wanting to be loved were normal, but I was filling that need in a negative way and it took a strong hold on me.

It filled my head with thoughts that sex wasn’t sacred and in turn had me seeking out online chat rooms and becoming addicted to pornography.

I understood all too well the struggle that Paul talks about in the New Testament, wanting to do the things that you know you should, but finding yourself doing the things you shouldn’t.

I can honestly say that it took the power of the Holy Spirit to cause me to confess what I’d been doing to 3 close college friends. Those women were fantastic as they prayed with me, withheld their judgement and found themselves confessing their own struggles.

Confession truly is good for the Soul!

The struggle is real and our world doesn’t make it easy but it is possible to overcome the power of porn. It starts with admitting your struggles to yourself and then to a trusted person in your life.

I have watched God open doors for me to encourage and challenge other women who are going through the same struggle and to know that they’re not alone. Let me repeat that … YOU ARE NOT ALONE!

I have been overjoyed that God has taken something that caused me to be so broken and turn it into something beautiful! 

The truly beautiful thing is that God can do this for you too, if you let him.